From Dinosaurs to People
FREE EVENT that will have paleontologists, archaeology, crafts, dinosaurs, blacksmith demos, food/dessert trucks, gold panning, tortoise racing and themed photo ops, among the many nonprofit booths that will be around the grounds! It’s one of our favorite and biggest events of the year and you don’t want to miss it!! And this year as a special bonus our free Summer of Civil Rights Exhibit will be open as well, for an extra special look at Orange County black history. Truly a day to remember!
Check out some vendors that will be there:
* Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center @aascsc
* Barks of Love @barksoflove
* Blas Aguilar Adobe (Facebook @blasaguilaradobe)
* Bower’s Museum @bowersmuseum
* Bred’s Nashville Hot Chicken food truck @bredhotchicken
* California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance (CCRPA) (Facebook @ccrpa)
* Children’s Dental FunZone (@cdfzone)
* Chris Butler (Local Artist)
* Cooper Center with OC Parks @coopercenter_oc
* Dino Party Rental (There will be some dinosaurs on site!) @dino_party_rental
* El Chucky food truck @camaronespicositoelchucky
* Gospel Swamp Farm – Tortoise Racing! @gospelswampfarm
* Haunted OC @hauntedorangecounty
* Java On the Go @javaonthego1
* Jurassic Lab (Facebook @jurassiclablearn)
* Jurassic Park Motor Pool – A Jurassic Park Jeep and Explorer will be on site! @jpmotorpool
* Justice for Victoria Barrios @justiceforvictoriabarrios
* Kona Ice @konaiceofcentraltustin
* Macaroni Kid @mackidsantaana
* OC Blacksmith Guild
* OC Public Libraries @ocpubliclibraries
* OC Water District @ocwd
* Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society (Facebook @santa.ana.history)
* SAPD + SAPD Canine Unit @santaana_pd
* School of Rock @sorsantaana
* Templeton Expedition Living History Volunteers
* The Cambodian Family Community Center (Facebook @thecambodianfamily)
* Historic Wintersburg Conservancy